6 Effective Scheduling Strategies for Skill-Based Contact Centers 

Effective scheduling strategies play a crucial role in the smooth operation of skill-based contact centers, where agents possess different levels of expertise and proficiency. These centers, known for their diverse workforce and complex task distribution, require meticulous planning to optimize resource allocation, maintain service quality, and maximize productivity.  

A well-designed scheduling strategy considers various factors such as agent skills, call volume forecasts, service level agreements, and operational constraints. By carefully matching agent skills to specific customer demands, scheduling can enhance customer satisfaction by ensuring prompt and accurate assistance. 

In this article, you will learn about effective agent scheduling strategies for skill-based contact centers that will accelerate growth for your organization.  


Read more: 10 Tips to Reimage Your Traditional Contact Center with Digital Technologies 


1. Managing High Demand Periods with Exceptional Agents in Contact Centers 

When contact centres are really busy, it’s super important for them to manage their best agents really well. These agents are extra special because they have amazing skills and know a lot about helping customers.  

Managers look at how well agents are doing and what they’re really good at, so they can use their skills to handle tough customer problems. This makes customers really happy and helps agents work even better because they get to help when it’s busy and they know a lot. 


2. Contact Centers Boosted: Assess Agent Expertise and Call Types Handled to Optimize Efficiency 

To make contact centers work really well, they need to figure out what each agent is really good at and what kind of calls they can handle best. Managers look at the skills and experience of the agents and give them the right calls based on what they know well. This helps reduce the number of times a call gets transferred and makes customers wait less, so they get better service. 

By putting the right agents on the right calls, contact centres can solve problems on the first try more often and make customers happier. Managers also check how well agents are doing and help them learn more if they need it, so everyone works better together. 


3. Effectively Manage Non-Call Activities Alongside Call Handling in Contact Centers 

In contact centres, there are other important things to do besides answering phone calls. Agents also need to handle emails, chat support, and other tasks. To make sure agents use their time wisely, managers come up with good plans for managing these tasks.  

They might set aside specific times just for doing non-call activities, use special tools to make things go smoother, or have teams that focus on specific tasks. By managing these tasks well, contact centers can keep up good service on different channels and make sure agents don’t get too tired from doing too many things at once. 


4. Implement Agent Cross-Training and Skill-Based Routing for Enhanced Performance in Contact Centers 

In contact centers, it’s important for agents to learn different things and be flexible. Cross-training helps agents learn more than just one thing, so they can handle different customer questions. This makes it easier to solve problems on the first try and reduces the need to transfer calls.  

Another helpful thing is skill-based routing, where calls are automatically sent to the agent who knows the most about that topic. By matching the right agent with the right call, contact centres can use their resources better, make customers happier, and work more efficiently. 


Learn more: Future of Contact Center – Visualizing Business Edge & Customer Service Trends 


5. Empower Contact Center Agents with a Range of Options and Flexibility 

For contact center agents to be happy and work well, they need to have choices and flexibility. This means they can choose when they want to work and have tools to manage their schedules. They can also work from home sometimes if it’s possible.  

When agents have control over their work and personal lives, they feel good. It’s also important for agents to make decisions and take charge when helping customers. When they feel like they have power and responsibility, they feel good about their job. When agents are happy and empowered, they can give customers special help and make them want to come back. This makes the contact centre do really well overall. 


6. Leverage Call Metrics Analysis in Contact Centers for Improved Scheduling 

In contact centers, it’s important for managers to look at data about phone calls to make smart scheduling choices. They study past call information to figure out when lots of calls happen, how calls happen, and what might happen in the future.  

This helps them plan well by making sure there are enough agents working when there are lots of calls and not too many agents when there are fewer calls. By using this data, they can be prepared and ready to help customers at the right time. 



To make contact centers work really well, managers use smart plans. They make sure that the best agents are used in the right way and that customers are happy. They do this by sending the right calls to the agents who know the most about that topic. They also teach agents different things, so they can handle different kinds of calls.  

Managers also take care of other important tasks like emails and paperwork to make things run smoothly. They give agents choices and flexibility to work in a way that makes them happy. Managers also look at data about calls to plan well and be ready when lots of calls happen. By doing all of this, contact centers become really good at helping customers and making everyone happy. 


FAQs on Skill-based Contact Centers 


1. What is a skill-based contact center? 

A skill-based contact center is a customer service operation that assigns agents to handle specific types of customer inquiries based on their skills and expertise, ensuring efficient and specialized support for various customer needs. 


2. How does skill-based routing work in contact centers? 

Skill-based routing in contact centers directs customer interactions to the most suitable agents based on their skills, experience, and proficiency. This ensures that customers are connected with agents who have the knowledge and abilities to address their specific inquiries effectively. 


3. What are the benefits of skill-based contact centers? 

Skill-based contact centers offer several benefits, including improved customer satisfaction through faster and more accurate issue resolution, increased first-call resolution rates, optimized resource allocation, enhanced agent productivity, and a more personalized customer experience. 



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