Difference Between On-Premise, Cloud and Hybrid Contact Center Solutions 

Contact centers are a vital component of modern businesses, providing a platform for effective customer engagement and support. When it comes to choosing the right contact center solution, organizations are faced with three primary options: on-premise, cloud, and hybrid.  

On-premise solutions involve hosting the contact center infrastructure locally within the organization’s premises, offering complete control and customization. Cloud solutions, on the other hand, leverage remote servers and internet connectivity to deliver scalability, flexibility, and cost-effectiveness. Hybrid solutions combine the best of both worlds, allowing businesses to harness the benefits of on-premise and cloud solutions simultaneously.  

Understanding the differences between these options is crucial for companies seeking to optimize their contact center operations and deliver exceptional customer experiences. 


Read more: 8 Crucial Contact Center Solution Industry Standards & How to Achieve Them 


On-premise Call Center Solutions 

 According to Grand View Research, on-premise call center solutions dominated the market by more than 57% in 2022. Moreover, per Precedence Research, on-premise contact center solution generated more than 58% revenue in 2021.  

On-premise call center solutions refer to the deployment of call center software and infrastructure within the organization’s premises, rather than relying on cloud-based services. This approach offers businesses greater control over their call center operations and data security. With on-premise solutions, companies can customize and tailor the call center software to their specific requirements, integrating it seamlessly with existing systems and processes.  

It also allows for real-time monitoring and management of call center activities, facilitating immediate response to customer needs. However, on-premise solutions typically require higher upfront costs for hardware and maintenance, as well as ongoing IT support and upgrades. Nonetheless, organizations that prioritize data security and have complex or unique operational needs often prefer the flexibility and control provided by on-premise call center solutions. 


Cloud Contact Center Solutions 

Per the report by MarketsandMarkets, after the COVID breakdown, 40-50% of organizations have started utilizing cloud-based call routing services. Moreover, according to Fortune Business Insights, cloud based contact center market is projected to grow from USD 13.45 billion in 2020 to USD 56.37 billion in 2027 at a CAGR of 22.7% in the 2020-2027.  

Cloud contact center solutions, also known as cloud-based or virtual call centers, involve hosting call center software and infrastructure on remote servers, accessible via the internet. This approach offers numerous benefits to businesses.  

Firstly, it eliminates the need for costly on-premise hardware and infrastructure, as the software is hosted and maintained by the cloud service provider. This enables organizations to scale their operations quickly and easily, as additional resources can be provisioned on-demand. Cloud contact center solutions also provide flexibility, allowing agents to work remotely from anywhere with an internet connection.  

Additionally, they offer advanced features like omnichannel capabilities, automated routing, and integration with customer relationship management (CRM) systems, enhancing the overall customer experience. Data security is ensured through robust encryption and compliance measures implemented by reputable cloud service providers. 


Learn more: Top 16 Differences between Call Center Solutions & Contact Center Solutions 


Hybrid Call Center Solutions 

Per 451 Research, 96% have started actively implementing hybrid contact center solutions at their premises as a part of their robust IT strategy.  

Hybrid call center solutions combine the best aspects of both on-premise and cloud contact center models. In a hybrid setup, organizations have a mix of on-premise infrastructure and cloud-based services. This allows businesses to leverage the benefits of both approaches while addressing specific operational needs.  

For instance, organizations can keep sensitive data and critical functions on-premise for enhanced control and security, while utilizing cloud services for scalability, remote agent access, and flexibility.  

Hybrid call center solutions offer the ability to seamlessly integrate on-premise and cloud systems, enabling efficient communication and data exchange between the two environments. This approach provides businesses with the flexibility to adapt to changing requirements, allocate resources effectively, and take advantage of cloud-based features such as omnichannel support and advanced analytics.  

By combining the strengths of both models, hybrid call center solutions offer a tailored and optimized approach for businesses seeking a balance between control and scalability. 


Differences between On-premise, Cloud and Hybrid Contact Center Solutions 


  1. Deployment: On-premise solutions are deployed within the organization’s premises, while cloud solutions are hosted on remote servers accessible via the internet. Hybrid solutions combine both on-premise and cloud elements. 
  2. Infrastructure: On-premise solutions require organizations to invest in and maintain their own hardware and infrastructure. Cloud solutions utilize the infrastructure provided by the cloud service provider. Hybrid solutions have a mix of on-premise and cloud infrastructure. 
  3. Scalability: On-premise solutions may have limited scalability, requiring hardware upgrades or additional investments for expansion. Cloud solutions offer seamless scalability, allowing businesses to easily add or reduce resources based on demand. Hybrid solutions provide scalable options by utilizing cloud resources. 
  4. Accessibility: On-premise solutions typically require agents to be physically present at the office. Cloud solutions enable remote access, allowing agents to work from anywhere with an internet connection. Hybrid solutions can provide both on-site and remote access options. 
  5. Cost: On-premise solutions involve higher upfront costs for hardware, software licenses, and maintenance. Cloud solutions have lower upfront costs as organizations pay for services on a subscription basis. Hybrid solutions can have a combination of upfront and ongoing costs. 
  6. Customization: On-premise solutions offer greater customization as organizations have more control over the software and infrastructure. Cloud solutions provide less customization but offer a range of standard features. Hybrid solutions can be customized to meet specific requirements while also leveraging cloud-based features. 
  7. Security: On-premise solutions offer direct control over data security and compliance. Cloud solutions rely on the security measures implemented by the cloud service provider, which often includes robust encryption and compliance protocols. Hybrid solutions combine on-premise security measures with cloud security measures. 
  8. Maintenance: On-premise solutions require organizations to handle hardware maintenance, software updates, and troubleshooting. Cloud solutions handle maintenance and updates on the provider’s end. Hybrid solutions may require maintenance for on-premise components while relying on the provider for cloud maintenance. 
  9. Integration: On-premise solutions can be seamlessly integrated with existing systems and processes within the organization. Cloud solutions offer APIs and integrations with various applications and platforms. Hybrid solutions enable integration between on-premise and cloud systems. 
  10. Disaster Recovery: On-premise solutions require organizations to implement their own disaster recovery plans and backup systems. Cloud solutions typically have built-in redundancy and disaster recovery mechanisms. Hybrid solutions can leverage both on-premise and cloud-based disaster recovery solutions. 



Businesses have multiple options when it comes to call center solutions. On-premise call center solutions offer greater control, customization, and real-time management but require higher upfront costs and maintenance.  

Cloud contact center solutions provide scalability, flexibility, and advanced features without the need for extensive investments in hardware, while ensuring data security through reputable cloud service providers. Hybrid call center solutions offer a balanced approach, combining the control and security of on-premise infrastructure with the scalability and flexibility of cloud-based services.  

Ultimately, the choice of call center solution depends on the specific needs and priorities of the organization, including data security requirements, operational complexity, and budget considerations. 


FAQs on On-Premise, Cloud and Hybrid Contact Center Solutions 


1. What are the main advantages of on-premise call center solutions? 

On-premise solutions offer greater control, customization, and real-time management of call center operations and data security. 


2. What are the key benefits of cloud contact center solutions? 

Cloud solutions provide scalability, flexibility, remote access, advanced features, and cost savings by eliminating the need for on-premise hardware. 


3. How do hybrid call center solutions combine on-premise and cloud models? 

Hybrid solutions offer a mix of on-premise infrastructure and cloud-based services, allowing businesses to leverage control, security, and scalability simultaneously. 



eDAS is a leading provider of digital automation solutions, offering cutting-edge Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) solutions to help businesses operate more efficiently. Their comprehensive array of products, solutions and services are tailored to meet each customer’s unique needs. eDAS has a strong presence in India, Africa, the Middle-East, the UK, and USA, and serves both enterprise and mid-market customers around the globe. Their mission is to help customers simplify their business operations through digital transformation. They pursue this goal by utilizing the latest technologies and delivering uncompromised quality to achieve an improved customer experience, greater data exchange, enhanced security and process-oriented solutions. 

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