How Whatsapp Benefits Customer Engagement in E-commerce

Whatsapp can be used by businesses as another channel for customer support. Whatsapp can be installed in multiple devices thus helping businesses to reach out to more customers. The different features of Whatsapp could also be helpful for businesses to enhance customer experience.

Business Meets Customers in Familiar Territory

Most customers want to interact with businesses through text messages. Whatsapp is one of the most popular text messaging apps and therefore most customers are comfortable with it. This makes it easier for them to interact with businesses using Whatsapp.

Instant Problem Solving with Whatsapp

Customers often do not receive timely and accurate responses from businesses on queries through e-mails and contact forms. Whatsapp offers a more efficient and quicker two-way communication channel with the agents. It also lets customers track if their queries have actually reached the agents. And they can also check if the agent has responded on their queries timely.

Shopping Experience from Start to Finish

Using Whatsapp, customers can comfortably browse through product list, add to the sopping carts and finally do a checkout. This in-app shopping experience often helps customers build better brand loyalty.

Multimedia and Interactive Customer Support

Whatsapp messages allow businesses to interact with customers through text, images, videos, attachments in various formats (.pdf, .docx, .apk, etc.) and even location and contact sharing. This provides customers with enough flexibility before deciding on the final purchase. On the other hand, businesses can inform customers timely about product availability.

Seamless Shopping Experience

Most customers now leverage e-commerce to make purchases globally.With WhatsApp, the ability to communicate across borders with no additional overseas call or texting charges provided an additional boost to international shopping. With WhatsApp Business, the location of the product and company are no longer limiting factors for customers.

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